
Selcen Layık talks about her experience at Intenseye

-Feb 11, 2022

Interview Highlights

What challenges did you face in other jobs before starting your Journey to Zero?

Everyone has issues and I had mine in corporate life. I was feeling lost like I was just a number amongst thousands of people. I didn’t know the goals of the company I worked for and sometimes I didn’t even really know whom I worked with, but I knew that I wanted to contribute more than I was. I wanted to improve the current state things were in, but all I heard was “do not waste your time”. When I left the world of working in a large corporation, one thing that I knew for certain was that I didn’t want to work in big corporations and be a small cog in a large machine.

What has been your biggest “a-ha” moment that shapes your Journey to Zero with intenseye?

In the first interview with our co-founder and CTO, Serhat, I told him about my concerns and feelings that I developed when working for a large corporation. I shared the ideas I had and what I wanted to create. I let him know that I wanted to learn new things. I said that I wanted to work for a company that gave me the opportunity to execute on my ideas but I also wanted to do it all AND be myself. Serhat heard me, and his response was one I won’t forget: “You are in the right place”. Now, I have been at intenseye for a year-and-a-half and I know that I am in the right place.

What motivates you to start working everyday?

Intenseye creates an environment that is collaborative and has a team that is understanding and truly allows me to be myself. I am certain that someone is always there for me when I need help, teach me whatever it is I need to learn, and support me when I need it. I know that every piece that I contribute to the company will be appreciated. Working in this type of environment continues to motivate me and gives me the fuel I need to work on new or existing projects.

What is your relationship with the people you work with?

When I look back and think about the intenseye team, I cannot believe how much I love each one of them and how much I enjoy working with them. It’s really great to be a member of a team that considers your needs.

What are the things you’ve done at this company that you’re proud of?

Apart from all the reasons I have listed - we have this huge mission. We are saving lives! I am so proud of the job that I am doing. It’s amazing to know that our platform could potentially save somebody’s life and for that reason alone, it makes me even more motivated. We are growing day by day. I cannot wait to see our culture spread to every new teammate when they join our Journey to Zero.

Selcen Layık

Data Operations Lead at intenseye

Deniz Şenliler

Content Marketing Manager at intenseye

Has a B.A. degree in Sociology from Boğaziçi University, currently studies “UX Writing Fundamentals” @ UX Content Collective.

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