EHS Expertise

Our customer success team is comprised of individuals with EHS experience, ready to assist you in tackling your journey to zero.

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Gabrielle Connoly

Integrating computer vision and AI into EH&S practices will truly help bring our profession to the next level. The data sets provided by Intenseye open up so many opportunities for effective action planning and improving your workplace

Customer Success Manager
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Evren Şener

Creating a strong reporting culture that yields high-quality data is a continuous challenge in our field. Recording, analyzing, and communicating trends occupies precious hours of the day. There are often inefficiencies due to the qualitative nature and the limited reporting of unsafe acts/conditions. Using artificial intelligence through existing cameras, intenseye creates a continuous flow of high-quality data, real-time analytics, and an instant feedback loop with all users. Digitizing all these processes can save a huge amount of resources to focus on strategic decisions, provide effective controls, and plan robust corrective actions.

Director of Customer Success, EMEA
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David Lemon

We all like to think we are unpredictable, but in reality, human behavior follows patterns, and is predictable with the right tracking tool. All injuries have leading indicators, measurable signs that can highlight the likelihood of an injury. They are not tracked with human based tracking tools like near miss reporting and behavioral observation programs. Intenseye’s A.I model applies computer vision to see and track the indicators the human eye cannot.

Customer Success Manager

Easy to use drag & drop

Use existing cameras
within facilities
Add 40+ EHS rules
in just a few taps
Identify unsafe acts
and conditions instantly

Joining Intenseye is easy!

As you start your journey to zero, our customer success managers will ensure you have a seamless onboarding process.

Platform Onboarding

Platform features walkthrough
EHS rules setup
User account creation


Follow up meeting

Digest/Reports setting
Accuracy checks
Practival session


Customer Support

24/7 live integrated chat

With our chat feature, help is always available to you and your team. When you need support quickly, access the chat feature to help with any dashboard issues.

Intenseye Help Center

A wide range of articles are available on intenseye Help Center that explain all the features on the platform in a detailed way. Intenseye Help Center provides assistance in 11 different languages including English, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Turkish and Vietnamese. We will continue to provide assistance in more and more languages.

Customer Success Check-Ins

Each customer will be supported through the launch, and beyond. After onboarding is completed, check-ins begin with your customer success manager to make sure you are seeing the most value possible. They will help you monitor user trends, identify roadblocks, and escalate any concerns.

Instructional Videos

We power our automated onboarding sessions with cutting-edge AI-powered virtual trainers in 11 different languages, to remove the language barrier for our facilities.


Our dashboard automatically sorts and analyzes data to fit your need. Log in and seamlessly access pre-built trending, compliance charts, and graphical representations of your data. Our KPI-driven dashboard was built with EHS Professionals in mind, to eliminate data collecting and analyzing from your plate.

Live support for our customers

With our chat feature, help is available to you and your team. You can contact us via the integrated chat on the platform for any questions you have about our platform.

Schedule a demo
Join our community of EHS professionals. Share your knowledge and experience with peers and develop best practices together.
Schedule a Demo