
Rodrigo Rigo talks about his experience at Intenseye

-Feb 21, 2022

Rodrigo Dall'asta Rigo- Frontend Technical Lead

Interview Highlights

How did you first start believing in intenseye?

Joining intenseye reminded me how exciting work can be. At the time, a handful of like-minded people are striving to make a change. Just what I was looking for - a chance to finally apply all those shiny new things I've learned over the years, to have the confidence and support to just go for it.

How do you feel about the people you work with?

I'll never forget what Sercan, our CEO, said in my first few weeks at intenseye - “We must not be afraid of failing. Should we fail, fail fast, and have the strength to own it and get back up!” At that moment, I knew this is the place I wanted to be and these are the people I want around me. Now we're much more than just a handful of people, we're made of several trustworthy people from all over the world working together towards a common goal.

How do you overcome the challenges you are facing during your Journey to Zero?

At intenseye, we're encouraged to think out of the box, to bring the best of us, to keep pulling each other up as we go. We all got a ticket to ride this fast-moving rocketship that disrupts whatever comes up. But I must be honest, riding a rocketship can be scary at times. Moving so fast up to an unknown territory... you can even hear some rattling here and there. Luckily for us, this scary and unknown feeling becomes the fuel that keeps us moving. And we're definitely reaching somewhere great! It’s a great place to be, and where I found one of the greatest adventures of my life - Intenseye.

Presented By

Rodrigo Dall'asta Rigo

Frontend Technical Lead at Intenseye

Experienced software engineer with over ten years designing and developing web applications. Hands-on JavaScript developer focusing on code cleanliness, performance and up-to-date technologies. Holds deep knowledge of styling techniques and visual/interaction design approaches for the web.

Deniz Şenliler

Content Marketing Manager at intenseye

Has a B.A. degree in Sociology from Boğaziçi University, currently studies “UX Writing Fundamentals” @ UX Content Collective.

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