
Okan Ulusoy talks about his experience at Intenseye

-Feb 21, 2022

Interview Highlights

How did you first decide to embark on this Journey to Zero?

Joining intenseye was not an easy decision for me. I was asked to join intenseye as the #1 employee. Although it’s one of the best decisions I have ever made, it didn’t seem like that at that time.

What did you find challenging about making the decision to join intenseye?

For starters, I have never worked in a startup environment before. Apart from a short academic career, I have mainly worked in bigger companies - and even though there are several advantages of being the first employee of a company, I was concerned about the potential risks involved. Keeping all things in mind, I would be stepping out of my comfort zone by joining intenseye.

What made you join this company despite all these worries?

I can confidently say that all my concerns disappeared after talking with intenseye founders. They believe in creating an environment where each person has the ability to work on what they are passionate about. People are also encouraged to explore new fields, which allows for exploring new opportunities within the company for personal growth. intenseye feels like a second university for me because of that. I have learned a lot in the last couple of years and there’s always an opportunity to learn more every day.

What is your relationship with your teammates?

Everyone is very helpful and quite knowledgeable in their field. You feel comfortable asking any question, whether it’s related to work or a game level you are stuck on. Everyone’s voice is heard and equally taken into consideration without a pre-set hierarchy. This brings out the best ideas and opens doors for collaboration with different people in different areas of expertise.

What do you think makes intenseye unique in its field?

We are defining a new category with the power of AI that saves people's lives. Most of the problems we try to solve are quite novel because of this. In order to solve these problems, we challenge ourselves quite often, which creates an environment for creativity and innovation. Everyone thrives, both personally and professionally, in this environment. Last but not least, you don't always get the opportunity to save people's lives, but at intenseye with our Journey to Zero, we do get to every day.

Okan Ulusoy

Deep Learning Specialist at intenseye

Deep learning engineer working on research, development, and deployment of Computer Vision algorithms centered around video analytics. Interested in MLOps and multimodal systems

Deniz Şenliler

Content Marketing Manager at intenseye

Has a B.A. degree in Sociology from Boğaziçi University, currently studies “UX Writing Fundamentals” @ UX Content Collective.

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