
intenseye presents Ergonomics AI

21/03/2022 8:30 am

Generating quantitative data is often a struggle for EH&S professionals. Intenseye is bridging that gap to help make you a more effective EH&S leader. Using existing facility cameras, Intenseye identifies and analyzes over 40 unsafe behaviors and conditions happening in your facility. In the newest launch, Intenseye tackles ergonomics.
Join Gabrielle Connolly and David Lemon, EH&S Professionals and Customer Success Managers at Intenseye to learn about the launch of the ergonomics module. Imagine a product that continuously evaluates your ergonomic performance and provides you with quantifiable data to track improvements. 
In this webinar we will explore:

  • State of the art AI technology applied to  EH&S problems.
  • Quantitative ergonomic data generation via computer vision and AI model
  • Benefits of computer generated data vs data generated by man
  • How AI data fits into your method of operation


8:30 am - 10:30 am

Ergonomics AI

Sercan Esen
Co-Founder & CEO at intenseye
Gabrielle Connolly
Customer Success Manager at intenseye
David Lemon
Customer Success Manager at intenseye


Sercan Esen
Sercan Esen
Co-Founder & CEO at intenseye
Gabrielle Connolly
Gabrielle Connolly
Gabrielle is a Customer Success manager at Intenseye. Prior to starting at Intenseye, Gabrielle worked as an EH&S Professional, starting as an Intern and becoming a Zone EH&S Manager. She has experience working in facilities, food and beverage manufacturing, and transportation. After seeing the technology available for transportation safety, like telematics, she was inspired to look for new ways to capture EH&S data. With a BS in Chemistry she has always been data driven and saw the opportunity for more quantitative data in the EH&S field. After finding Intenseye Gabrielle was determined to help EH&S professionals integrate this system into their method of operation. “I believe the data we generate will help to further our field into the next phase of injury reduction. We know that unsafe acts and conditions are the key to understanding and preventing future injuries, but our data is limited. It is oftentimes generated via planned collection, and comes with inert bias. It takes a lot of time out of our day to analyze this qualitative data, and be able to create meaningful trends and actions from it. Intenseye helps you optimize your time by continuously collecting quantitative data, and doing the analysis for you, making you a more effective leader or EHS Professional.”
David Lemon
David Lemon
Customer Success Manager at Intenseye

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