

As a world’s largest manufacturer and distributor of sewing thread and supplies, Coats is paying the highest priority to its employees health and safety by adopting the latest technologies in the industry. With the focus on digital transformation, Coats has a large team working globally to rapidly implement the cutting edge technologies into its on-premises by working with industry leading technology companies

  • Industry: Textile, Consumer and Intermediate Goods
  • Employees: Over 17,000
  • Facilities: 54


  • Globally distributed 20+ facilities to be deployed
  • No standard in CCTV network infrastructures of the facilities
  • Wide variety of CCTV devices to be integrated
  • Low network bandwidth in most facilities
  • Lack of dedicated IT professionals in remote on-premises
  • Strict deadlines to make the system ready for use of EHS teams

The Solution

A technical project team is built consisting of

  • 1 Global IT Project Manager – Coats
  • 2 Network Architects – Coats
  • 1 Integrations Manager – Intenseye

The technical project team was responsible for

  • Planning the requirements and action items
  • Prioritizing the sites according to their readiness on the pre-requirements
  • Organizing the integration calls and training the sites
  • Integrating the cameras with the collaboration of the site teams

In less than 8 weeks, the project team was able to;

  • Standardize the CCTV network infrastructure in all sites
  • Increase the bandwidth of needful sites
  • Renew the CCTV systems of the sites that have no compatible device
  • Deploy and integrate 20+ facilities


Coats and Intenseye are planning to integrate many more facilities in 2022 and continuing to integrate more cameras in the existing ones. With the help of accumulated know-how in both sides, integrating a new facility takes less than a couple of hours and adding more cameras within the existing facilities can be done in couple of minutes.


“At the beginning of the project, we had no active maintenance on the CCTV networks of our on-premises since they are robust systems and were up and running for long periods of time within their isolated VLANs. We did not even have the idea of the CCTV footage can be streamed out simply by using the existing device features. However, with the help of Intenseye we turn our CCTV systems into the extra eyes and assistants of our EHS professionals within a very short period of time. With this project, we are able to use our already existing CCTV equipment not only for physical security surveillance but also to improve our EHS culture and provide safer, risk-free environments to our employees even without any hardware investment. This was the fastest global deployment in our digital transformation journey ever and with the well-established procedures, it only takes hours to integrate our devices into Intenseye and make the system ready for the EHS teams’ use.”

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